Dec 27, 2022

Hire the Best Salesforce Partner near North Dakota in May 2024

LOOKING FOR A Salesforce Partner near North Dakota - United States?

Arrify connect can assist you in your search for a Salesforce Partner. We've compiled this list of top Salesforce Partner in North Dakota - United States. If you need more support, tell us about your project, and we'll match you with recommended companies. For more details check out how to hire salesforce developer
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Now IT Matters

Now IT Matters Logo
Certified Expert:
Project Completed:
Serving in
California, Ohio, District of Columbia, Kentucky, Montana, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New York, India
Decisions Matter. Information Matters. Now IT Matters.
Now IT Matters was established to address the specific needs of nonprofits with regard to technology and data management. Our Executive Team and Senior Consultant Team consist of nonprofit practitioners who have become expert Salesforce developers, architects and implementers and who are passionate about achieving successful outcomes. We focus exclusively on nonprofit and social impact organizations. We have completed over 90 Salesforce projects since our inception. NiM provides thought leadership in the Salesforce ecosystem and we are active members of the Salesforce community. Our staff are Salesforce MVPs, founders of Girlforce, leaders of local Salesforce User Groups, speakers at Dreamforce, and regional event co-founders. We place a high emphasis on establishing long-lasting partnerships with our clients. We work with our customers to learn what they care about, understand business processes, identify needs, and provide technology solutions that further their mission. We are helping nonprofits large and small to both examine their current business processes for efficiency and long-term effectiveness and reimagine their technology solutions to transform the future.


CRMified Logo
Certified Expert:
Project Completed:
Serving in
Florida, India
We Deliver Salesforce Solutions that Drive Success
CRMified provides comprehensive Salesforce services to small and mid-sized businesses, including strategic scoping, custom Salesforce development, and product management consulting from ideation to launch. Founded in 2011 by a Salesforce MVP, the CRMified team brings more than 30 years of combined Salesforce experience to every project and has successfully completed more than 60 Salesforce engagements. Our team is passionate about helping organizations leverage Salesforce to solve real problems with minimum risk and maximum return on investment. Our team offers deep expertise within the Salesforce ecosystem, including Sales Cloud, Service Cloud, Experience Cloud, and Platform-as-a-Service (PaaS). CRMified is headquartered in Orlando, Florida with locations and teams across India.


AuxiliumCRM Logo
Certified Expert:
Project Completed:
Serving in
Minnesota, Mexico
No Contract/Ad Hoc or Subscription Based Support
Whether it is a need for Support to fill in your Salesforce expertise gaps, a brand new implementation or a strategic enhancement project, auxiliumCRM has offerings to help maximize your Salesforce ROI! auxiliumCRM combines practical business experience and Salesforce expertise to help customers achieve their business objectives. We enable functional solutions that our not fancy. We use your business objectives to prioritize ad hoc requests and small projects into ROI that has your business customers cheering you and your executive leadership praising you!


BWF Logo
Certified Expert:
Project Completed:
Serving in
Empower Philanthropy
We foster long-term and deep partnerships because we are: - Practitioners who understand the nuances and inner workings of program design of development - Business process specialists focusing on improving things to have better customer retention and satisfaction - Experts in fundraising who can advise on current guidelines, current trends, and fundraising protocols - A team of individuals that care your mission and your success

Canvas Cloud Consulting

Canvas Cloud Consulting Logo
Certified Expert:
Project Completed:
Serving in
Maryland, Michigan, Minnesota, Tennessee, Wisconsin
Empowering Organizations to Better Serve Their Customers
Canvas Cloud Consulting empowers organizations to better serve their customers and clients by leveraging Salesforce with business process improvements. Canvas Cloud has been working within the Salesforce ecosystem for over 13 years. We are personally invested in your success and dedicated in accelerating your missions and visions. We specialize in helping nonprofits and small/medium businesses (SMB) form their go-to-market strategy for designing, implementing, and supporting their new - or rebooted - Salesforce system. If you're just starting the discovery process in determining what you have, where everything lives, what you should and should not put into a CRM, we can help. If you need guidance on what would work best in your business or organization, we can help. Looking for best practices? We can help...sensing a theme? Our expertise covers a wide gamut inside and outside of Salesforce, including: - Nonprofit Cloud (NPSP) - Sales Cloud - Service Cloud - Community Cloud - Pardot - Data migration - Systems integration - Lightning components - Visualforce development - Apex custom development Reach out. Connect. Tell us: How can we help you succeed?

Northbound Consulting

Northbound Consulting Logo
Certified Expert:
Project Completed:
Serving in
Alabama, Colorado, Indiana, South Carolina, Tennessee
Salesforce Simplified
Our People. Our Clients. Our Company. In that order. Northbound was born out of one simple concept: We hire multidimensional talent. We seek creative thinkers and life long learners who are driven to solve the most complex of problems and go above and beyond for our clients. We cultivate the growth of our team by providing challenging and fulfilling work that stretches and expands our comfort zones. We are the kind of nerds who maintain a developer org where we test out new solutions in our spare time. Our values and the team we have curated in turn deliver exceptional quality of services to our Clients. There aren’t many problems in the world of Salesforce our experts haven’t encountered. We look forward to working with you.


CloudFulcrum Logo
Certified Expert:
Project Completed:
Serving in
California, Arizona, India
DevOps as a Service - Copado | Vlocity | SFDX | Jenkins
CloudFulcrum has a unique positioning of offering Salesforce DevOps as a Service. The Team has excellent track record of successful SFDX Transformations across the globe for the Fortune 500 customers. As a partner of Copado, we have done multiple Copado Implementations and have certified resources for running managed services for your DevOps needs using Copado. The foundation team comes from Opensource contributors to GIT and Jenkins and has deep rooted knowledge of DevOps as Salesforce / SFDX. For a detailed discovery, please reach out to


Certified Expert:
Project Completed:
Serving in
California, Florida, Ohio, Texas, Arizona, Arkansas, Colorado, Connecticut, Illinois, Iowa, Kentucky, Louisiana, Maryland, Massachusetts, Michigan, Minnesota, Missouri, New Mexico, New York, Pennsylvania, South Carolina, Utah, Virginia, Wisconsin, Oklahoma
Get SET Before You GO with Salesforce
We help businesses design their Salesforce platform to solve business problems, create efficiencies, improve visibility, and support collaboration with a thoughtful approach that takes into account their unique needs. We take the time upfront to learn about your business challenges and goals before making recommendations so that you can feel confident that you'll be SET before you say GO. We specialize in Salesforce implementation, optimization, expansion, and migration. No matter where you are in your Salesforce journey, SETO partners can help take you from where you are to where you want to be. If you're ready to take the next steps, get in touch with us. We look forward to meeting you!

Rynalty Group

Rynalty Group Logo
Certified Expert:
Project Completed:
Serving in
Arkansas, Colorado
PMI certified Construction Industry Experts with 20+ years exp.
Automating Construction Industry = CRM + ERP

Daydream Developers

Daydream Developers Logo
Certified Expert:
Project Completed:
Serving in
California, Colorado
Big solutions from a small team in Denver, Colorado
Located in Colorado, in the foothills of the Rocky Mountains, we're a small team of developers and architects who are passionate about Salesforce and the Lightning Platform. We know that Lightning is a giant leap forward for Salesforce, and we love helping our clients embrace the future of the Salesforce Platform. We build custom components and apps for clients and help them with their Lightning Experience migrations. Contact us today to find out how we can make your Salesforce dreams become a reality.


Arrify Logo
Certified Expert:
Project Completed:
Helping Business to Grow Better with Salesforce & WordPress
we are a small team, providing salesforce development and consulting services to small & medium business users across the globe.

Frequently Asked Questions(FAQ)

What it cost to hire Salesforce Partner near North Dakota in May 2024?

In May 2024, Salesforce Partner rates range from  $77 to $91 per hour, in North Dakota. The price is reasonable for 5.5 year experienced Salesforce Partner.

What can you expect From Salesforce Partner in May 2024 near North Dakota?

Salesforce Partner should be available to meet in North Dakota time zone either remotely or in person.
  • Person/Firm Should have at least 5.5 Years of experience working near North Dakota as Salesforce Partner.
  • She should understand North Dakota based business, process and suggest the best and optimized solution.
  • Salesforce Partner should be able to provide training and support in the North Dakota time zone. If Salesforce Partner is not in North Dakota, There should be significant time overlap within working hours.
  • Hire Salesforce Partner